Spiritual Protection


Spiritual Protection and Deliverance for our Children

Tempers flaring. Words cutting. Furniture flying. What in the world is going on with our kids? Families are in crisis. But our God, the Might One, Elohim, Jehovah Jireh, our Provider of not only resources but solutions to our greatest challenges has the answers we need and is more than willing to give them to us.

Four adult children that we've raised, and one daughter-in-love now sit around our Thanksgiving table each year. It makes my heart happy; I'm so very grateful. And I thank God for His co-parenting skills which I leaned on quite aggressively all thirty years of our parenting journey. We did our part, but our God did the Lion's share. It's time now for this mama bear, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to rise and mentor this generation of adults in their parenting journey or seeming nightmare now playing out in this chaotic world. Be encouraged! The Spirit of Jesus is intervening on your behalf.

Spiritual Protection and Deliverance for our Children speaks truth and boldly equips the next generation of parents to stand resolute in the authority God has given them through Jesus. It teaches them to swing the sword of the Lord, His anointed and powerful Words, and fight the good fight of faith on behalf of their family. We are in a spiritual battle. And it's not just playing out in our natural home; it is playing out first in the spirit realm and this is where our fight is effective. Paul said in Ephesians 6, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual beings in heavenly places. Fighting in the natural will not bring victory; we must engage in the spirit.

Shields up! Faith on! Join me as the Lord transforms your heart and the hearts of your family to see the victory already yours in Christ.